Making Baby Meza

North Las Vegas , Nevada (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Making Baby Meza

by Lisa Curro

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
North Las Vegas , Nevada (US)

Lisa Curro is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello there ??
Lisa and Melissa here. We hope this finds you well & healthy.
It took a lot for us to create this. So many friends have said we should. They don’t want to see us give up on our dream of having a baby! Definitely had to bring our pride down a few notches. As many of you know we like to work for everything we have. Constantly busting our butts and finding ways. Sometimes we don’t know how we do it, but we do.
Its going on 7 years that we’ve been trying to have a baby. Our insurance doesn’t cover any infertility treatments or medications so it’s all been out of pocket since day one. So not only is it financially exhausting, but mentally, physically & emotionally too! It’s been a very draining journey to say the least.
We’ve done 4 medicated IUI’s that didn’t work. So our Dr recommended we move on to IVF. Had my tubes checked to make sure they were clear & ready. Got the green light to move forward. We made crafts, baked goodies, had yard sales, Melissa did many side jobs, mechanically work & home repairs-anything to help us afford this dream.
Had to cancel one transfer because I ended up having polyps so I needed to have a hysteroscopy before we transferred. We had egg retrieval. Then transferred and it didn’t work. Second one worked, we got pregnant but lost it as quick as it happened. Did another egg retrieval to stack our odds. More polyps grew so I needed another hysteroscopy. Third transfer didn’t work. Then we put this journey on hold because we unexpectedly lost Melissa’s mother. She wanted this so badly for us and always prayed about it. We know she’s liking down on us now. When we decided to start up again we switched clinics after almost 5 years. Our new Dr had to run some more tests and do a saline infusion sonogram(water ultrasound) to make sure my uterus looked good & ready. Got pregnant the 4th transfer at the new clinic but unfortunately we lost that one quickly too. We are now down to one embryo again. We want to be able to stack our odds again and do another egg retrieval before we transfer again. It’s been over a year since we’ve last tried due to me getting into a car accident and our car getting totaled. Many Dr appts and shots in my back. Then had a breast scare so needed to take care of that. Now we are back and ready to get this journey going towards our rainbow baby.

This will help us be able to do another egg retrieval, transfer and medications needed as well.

We humbly ask you for your prayers, love & support during our journey to Making Baby Meza. And thank you for your support-whether it’s donating praying over us or just simply sharing this ???Means the world to us!